Error code in API and what does the error stand for ?


These codes are generated when there is any field missed or misspelled in the api tested by you. Each error code stand for the particular reasons and you can find the meaning of the erreor below:

Error Message


ErrorCode Error Message
000 Success (it means message is successfully submitted and you can check message parameter response to check message id and parts)
001 Account details cannot be blank
002 Username or password cannot be blank
003 SenderId cannot be blank
004 Message cannot be blank
005 Message properties cannot be blank
006 ServerError#Error message
007 Invalid username or password
008 Account inactive
009 Account lock
010 Unauthorized API access
011 Unauthorized IP address
012 Message length violation
013 Invalid mobile numbers
014 Account locked due to spam message contact support
015 Invalid SednerId
016 Transactional account not active
017 Invalid groupid
018 Cannot send multi message to group
019 Invalid schedule date
020 Message or mobile number cannot be blank
021 Insufficient credits
022 Invalid jobid
023 Parameter missing
024 Invalid template or template mismatch